Saturday, June 30, 2012

Witness to a Public Execution

13:38 CEST 15-08
With the sun just past its apical slot in the sky, they opened fire on Carlos Molina. A line of twenty-two shots fired—twelve of which struck Molina’s body. Three shots were fatal, but the one that killed him before his fresh corpse struck the earth entered his left eye, disintegrating the zonular fibers and ciliary muscles, lacerating the vitreous humour in two, passing through the frontal lobe up into the parietal lobe, exiting out the back of his skull. The bullet—a 3-inch long 7.62 NATO—was fired from Private Pepe Villa’s ten-year-old .308 Mauser bolt action rifle. Of course, Pepe would never know for certain his bullet was the one that murdered Molina, but like the other twenty-one members of the death squad, he always knew he issued the fatal shot.

07:27 CEST 15-08
I awake to the morning or perhaps the early afternoon but judging by the mild yet comfortable temperature and lack of noise from the open window it is most likely morning or may be I closed the window in the middle of the night because of the storm that was to come or may be fearing a chill from the night air I closed it to protect the baby from falling ill but the baby did not wake last night she did not stir from slumber or perhaps I did not wake no I would have woken but may be I did not because I am a terrible mother unlike my mother no I am a good mother like my mother who sleeps below in the tiny spare room because I am a terrible host and daughter to my mother and guest because one day my daughter will be terrible to me no may be my daughter who reminds me of my mother will be like my mother and I like me and I will just be terrible to both because I am a terrible person no not these thoughts not this early it is a beautiful day or early afternoon but most likely morning. How unfair that it is so.

And I rise from my bed that my mother put me in last night during the storm after the news no it was after the news but before the storm that did not come or it did but just late very very late and I was not aware of it or I was but I just ignored it or forgot it or remembered it but wished I did not but I rise in the lovely night gown that my lovely husband bought for me not more than a month ago or may be a little less than a month ago or last year no a month and some days ago and it is beautiful and yellow that is my favorite color and he knows or he does not and was just fortunate to guess so but I do not believe in fortune no more so he must have known and it has white lace on the outside and he would make me wear it every night for a week or more or less after he bought it for me and he would say Evita, Evita come to bed with me I must sleep tonight with you and I told him You have done so for the past two three years slept with me and been with me and I with you and he would call me enchant me beg me implore me demand me to come to him and I be his submissive master and he my subjugator slave and he would make love to me or may be just be carnal and sex no it was love and it was beautiful or it was hot and uncomfortable and too short-lived no no no no it was and it was not. Very soon it will be neither.

So I collect myself and come down to breakfast or lunch or brunch depending on what time it is but it looks like breakfast because my mother has prepared little food but it smells so wonderful which I feel uneasy about and wish it was not so but it is and it does but I do not feel the urge to eat even though I am quite hungry because I did not eat much yesterday well a little bit of cherries and some chocolate from the pantry but not according to Madre who declares I have not ate much since he left but this is false to believe for it suggests volunteerism but it was coercion there were cries fists flew a broken lamp a torn night gown that was purchased in the city and broken tooth and stomped foot but no cry from the baby not until everything became quiet again and Madre and I stopped our weeping as if the chaos brought the babe some comfort but no this cannot be so the baby must have been crying but we had not realized it until we stopped our weeping because we are terrible mother and grandmother no that is not true we are good so the baby must have been asleep must be so peaceful being a babe and it is just look at her smile she is so happy so gay so oblivious so dumb Evita Madre says you need to eat here she supplies a wonderful looking and smelling breakfast containing coffee and two slices of buttered toast but I do not have the energy to eat or drink but I do so I drink some coffee and as usual Madre has prepared the most delicious coffee and it warms my body starting from my stomach at the center of my soul and spreads outward and then Madre says Evita you must get out of those clothes and put something new on you must get outside you must not stay here another day take the baby and go outside go for a stroll get washed cleanse yourself and I ask Madre What time is it? and she informs me Mid-morning and I say under my breath He will die soon. And I wish this morning were not going so well.

20:11 CEST 14-08
— I cannot.
— We must.
— But this is…
— Our duty.
— I do not even know this man.
— None of us do.
— But I have not…
— There is no more to discuss.
— It happened fairly.
— You were there. As were we all. The names were selected. That was that.
— Easy for you to say.
— This is how it is.
— But I cannot.
— You do not have a choice.
— I think that is my point.
— Who cares? The selection was fair. It was random. The names were selected blindly. You were there. You saw.
— Yes… but still…
— No still. Just sleep. I think I hear the storm in the distance.
— I can certainly feel it.
— I wish it would just come already.
— I cannot.
— Would you stop? Why won’t he stop?
— He is afraid.
— Ha!
— Maybe if you were so brave, you would switch with him.
— My name was not selected.
— How fortunate for you.
— I have no regrets.
— That is because you have nothing to regret for.
— It was selected fairly. We all saw so.
— I am not sure that matters.
— Of course it does. That is the only thing that matters now.
— Perhaps. Perhaps not.
— No. He should stop his whining. Be prepared. Accept it. He’s not the one on the other end of the gun. Why should he be so scared?
— The same reason you are not brave enough to switch with him… or me… or any of us chosen.
— This was how it was.
— True.
— So let that stand then.
— I do not think you believe such things.
— I cannot.
— Stop.
— You stop.
— I cannot.
— Stop.
— You stop.

10:13 CEST 15-08
Upon Madre’s suggestion entreatment I take the babe out for a stroll through the town to the nearby park and all eyes are on my or may be they are ignoring me but my eyes are on them but it does appear that at least a few eyes are on me as if they too now have heard the news and know what I know and we all have this uncanny rapport functioning against our wills to suppress because I do not wish to be inside their minds no more than they wish to be in mine or vice versa or vice versa or may be this is all fabrication and I am once again imagining that which is not and no one knows who I am or of the news but some must be aware of the news the whole town our country must be at least on some level aware of what will happen or may be not may be they do not care or are not made aware or do not care enough to be made aware either way this is really a beautiful day. This injustice continues.

As I reach the park and locate some shade beneath a tree on a bench next to a fountain near the center of the park I allow myself against better judgment against the will to do so to look around some and observe this lovely awful day and as I suspected or more than likely feared the sky is still its beautiful blue and the sparse clouds are their most purest white and greatest structural fluff and the gleam of the sun on the leaves of nearby trees makes me want to cry and the blend of greens in this park makes me want to cry no I do not want to cry I do but I do not not because of the greens or the blues or the clearness of the fountain water or the pleasing architectural shapes of the fountain or the fact that it is running perfectly or that the only fragrance in the air sans my perfume is the redolent flowers at full bloom today and the only sound save my breathing or the transient shouts of joy from my child his child our child is the buzzing of the bees searching for the remaining pollen from said aromatic flowers or not-too-distant playful calls of children slightly older than my own his own our own and their dogs and all of these shapes and colors and smells and noises overwhelm me shock me make me wish to be dumb or blind or deaf or dead or never existed at all but no I must exist I am so here and now but I wish I were not and my baby his baby our baby is so pleased and I am shocked by all of this and I hate all of this because I love all of this and my baby his baby our baby continues to smile and look around and be allured by her surroundings and I cannot take this so I pinch her I do not but I do and I do because I must but I must not but I just did and I do on her cheek because she is so happy and it is unfair it is not but it is and I am a terrible mother but I am not I am selfish but also giving because she must understand but she does not because she does not cry there are no tears she produces nothing just a minor look at me expressionless innocuous void but full of meaning and I hate her but I love her. And so I sit a little longer.

19:45 CEST 14-08
Stacked five across and two deep, members of the tribunal sit and observe Carlos Molina. Their faces are wet with perspiration from the humidity of the coming storm—which does not come until hours after their verdict. The propelling fans do little to cool the faux-courtroom, merely shifting hot air around. The place is thick with swirling wet air and foul breath. Before we read you your verdict. Do you wish to proclaim any further information? Will it go in the public record? Of course. This was not a complete lie. Though all parties desperately wanted to believe in the judicial façade they created, its innate cursory nature did not allow them so. Carlos Molina sat and thought. Specs of dried blood remained on his clothes and small portions of his face. Three-day stubble shaded the majority of his face. No. No? No. So then you are content? I have said what I have said. I have done what I have done. Let it be. Silence. The revolving blades from above made the only sound. Carlos Molina swallowed sparse saliva down his parched throat. The Ten sat and waited for more. Nothing. Just fans. And hot air. So be it. The single parchment[1] was lifted. Reading glasses were placed on the bridge of the reader’s aquiline nose. Carlos Molina. Please stand. He stood. You have been tried by a committee of ten judges. The decision has been reached. The decision was reached well before Carlos ever was caught. In fact, most of the time in deliberation was spent on debating over the rhetoric of said decision. It is unanimous. Indeed. All ten members agreed unanimously that “unanimous” should be used in the rhetoric for its “authorial quality.” We committee of ten find you guilty of all the charges. The punishment is death by fusillading. The other word they all agreed must be included in the rhetoric. Which will be concluded tomorrow afternoon. What time? Hmm? What time? The Ten exchanged glances. As the sun begins to set. Late afternoon then? No. Is this not when the sun begins to set? Not entirely. Puzzlement. As the sun begins to set after, but just as it passes the highest point in the sky. Yes. How many? How many? How many in the line? Twenty-two. Twenty-two? It is a sufficient number. Yes. Carlos Molina was then escorted back to his holding cell, which was actually just a corner where he sat—in the next room over.

13:10 CEST 15-08
So I return to the house of mirth but more appropriately dearth but more appropriately dirge where he once carried me into for the first time well there was some walking then a carriage and then a little more walking but then he picked me up and carried me in well I held onto his shoulders and took on some of my own weight because I was already fat with baby much to the sadness of Madre but there was great joy and love when the baby came or may be there was great pain and suffering and tears and sweat and blood and cries and anger and anxiety and hate and then after some time had passed great joy and love but I enter and Madre greets me but from the other room and her welcome is faint and more of a question than welcome though it is still a greeting and I answer Yes it is me and she asks how the stroll was and I inform her Lovely and then to myself and the baby Terrifying and then to the ceiling Why? and just as I begin to smell it my mother informs me that an earlier lunch is ready and so I run no I walk with the baby no the baby is in my arms I carry the baby and walk over casually no more so lugubriously but I hide it well no I do not because Madre makes a face and I know she knows what I know and we know but the baby does not know or may be she does but most likely no she does not and that is why I envy her but I do not because I would not because I am not so there and I hate the food that my mother has prepared and drink some refreshing sparkling water that makes me feel good and it depresses me more and her lunch is just as good as her coffee and I hate my mother for being so damn good at it and I hate that the water is so cold and crisp and I hate my tongue and mouth for enjoying the carbonation and I hate my body for devouring the bread dipping it in the olive oil and sucking down the soup rich with tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers and onions and for cleaning the plate of the excellently cooked chicken how it is so moist and rich with the flavor of her cooking as with the potatoes and mushrooms and onions and carrots and the coffee again for desert and I hate my mother a little more for making the coffee plentiful with taste and yet not overbearing and crème fresh and the sugar just so and I hate her but no I do not cannot will not or may be I do but I do not but I am so full physically and emotionally and I grow weak now because my body is finally fed and in my weakness I speak Why Madre? Why does everything have to be so wonderful today? Why does the storm not come why did I get such great sleep why did the babe not cry why was the morning so lovely and the people so happy and world look its best today and your food taste especially grand today? Why? my mother sits and looks at me for a while or may be awhile no it is a short time no a long one and then my mother speaks to my baby his baby our baby no to me When I was a little girl there once was a feral cat that came into our town no one knew where it came from it just appeared one day and it walked right down our main street into the plaza and laid down in the center no one paid it much attention for the first few days it was there and it would spend most of the time in the plaza lazing away and then get up towards dusk and disappear and as I said this happened for a few days until some of my friends and I started to play with the cat we acquired some yarn and then we used a small doll my sister your aunt Clarita no longer wanted and it would play with us and we enjoyed playing with it always in the plaza it would always be in the plaza and never leave until night and return sometime in the morning and some times it would grow bored with us and lay down and some times it would follow us like when we went to school or Mass and some times not and we children loved it and our parents grew found of it and soon the whole town did people would leave milk or meat scraps out for it place it in front of the cat in the plaza and we all enjoyed the cat very much Madre then pauses for a moment to wipe the baby’s face clean then she continues But one day we all came out in the morning and the cat was gone several days passed and the cat still stayed missing and some said the jealous widow who lived wanted everyone’s sympathy killed the cat others said it was the butcher’s mean dog or the butcher himself a few believed it was just a very old cat and wandered off into the nearby woods to die but most joked that it left for the big city to become a famous cat Madre laughs no more so giggles no more so smiles to herself in thought and then continues Whatever the reason the cat was gone and life returned to the it was without the cat and a few months later I remember bringing up the cat in conversation at lunch with my mother and father and sisters and brother but my father did not seem to remember the cat Cat what cat? he said and Mother remembered a cat but did not remember all that I remembered and this was true for mostly all the townspeople no one seemed to remember the cat it just faded in and out of our town and lives and memories and even now I do not remember all the things I did with the cat all I remember now is that there was a cat and we were all fond of it Madre looks at me with a smile and I do not know what my face looks like because it is a fine story but I do not understand what she means no I do I know but I do not like her for saying so no I do I love her but it is with great sadness—abrupt noises—I turn my attention to the other room Madre looks at me and I at her. Carlos’s transmitter noises then stops then noises again then silences on off on off rests cries sleeps wakes I must answer it I cannot but I will I will not I am—Hello.

1 The rhetoric was written on the back of an advertisement for a film about a guitar vagabond who wandered from one town to the next on his way to the city to become famous. Everywhere he went he played his music. People loved him. Then the night he arrives in the city a beggar asks for a pittance. The vagabond says he does not have any money and begins to walk away. The beggar stabs the guitar vagabond in the back and smashes the guitar. The vagabond dies. The film is called: Absurdo.

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